


Oct 6, 2011

The world is divided into people who do things - and people who get the credit. - Dwight Morrow

More and more our work is showing up in publications. Renderings are of special concern in the architectural field, logos and copyrights are watermarked into intellectual property and continuously cropped out and inserted into publications. I don`t get it, am I missing something? The papers will write about our projects, about the but not about the ones responsible for creating the images and pre-cursors for selling their papers. Lets face it, architecture is boring to people until it is constructed, unless we show them a virtual concept, if not the article would be filler. There is either a wow factor or an abstract quality and provokes thought that a floor plan wouldn't.

add ironic citing here - Our Niagara Region, Sept 2011 
Now, other end of the spectrum, if a rendering is use by those guys doing the fancy art centre...what's their name again, oh that's right (the paper wont let you forget it) Diamond something...Schmitt? (if you don't believe me check the bold print on any front page) I understand it is a large project under the public eye, but if our own media would pay the same amount of attention to local firms, we could all have an identity in our local market. The media is projecting the stigma that you must go to Toronto to get good architecture - FALSE
Talent is here in Niagara, set proper priorities and promote local. 
Don't get me wrong I want them to publish our images but I'm a believer in giving credit where credit is due. I think of the agricultural pitch - Buy local - Grown Close to home, think of architecture the same way! Architecture Grown Here

Rant - over and out
Do what you believe is great work - Steve Jobs

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